Sound & Installation

Harmonies of Sight and Sound

Welcome to a realm where art transcends visual boundaries, merging with the vibrational energies of sound. My installations are not just to be seen but experienced, as they are imbued with soundscapes that evoke deep emotional and spiritual responses. Discover how each piece offers a unique journey through sight and sound.

Chakra Healing, 2024

site-specific sound installation

acrylic plexiglass, acrylic stained pure salt rocks

Inspired by the primary chakras and a meditative practice, I incorporates seven floor mandalas and her collaborative field recordings with Buddhist Monk Lama Jam to create an atmosphere of physical and emotional well-being. The coloured stained salt rocks represent the embodying time, intention, and inner focus. The multi-tracked sound loop reflects the energy centres located along the spine. It is hoped that the transformative energy created in this site specific installation will provide an opportunity for viewers to experience healing, relaxation, and a heightened sense of consciousness.

The artist would like to express gratitude to Buddhist monk Lama Jam, for his collaboration on the Sound Energy Healing performance, to Thomas Upjohn, sound specialist on the field recordings and to Naomi McCarroll-Butler, for her sound improvisations utilizing Solfeggio frequencies.

Request to listen to the full Sound Piece

A Return to Wholeness , Plastic, LED Lights, Acrylic Stained Pure Salt Rocks, 6ft. (72 inches in diameter), 2023, Aurora Cultural Centre

Opening into Transcendence, Plastic, LED Lights, Acrylic Stained Pure Salt Rocks, 6ft. (72 inches in diameter), 2023, Aurora Cultural Centre

Sound Energy Healing with Buddhist Monk Lama Jam and Sound Specialists: Thomas Upjohn and Naomi McCarroll-Butler

Combining personal meditative practice with the guidance of a Buddhist monk specializing in Sound Energy Healing has led to profound insights and inner transformation. The synergy between meditation and sound healing facilitates relaxation, focus, and a deeper connection with oneself and the surrounding environment. Sound Specialist Thomas Upjohn created a field recording of the Sound Energy Healing and the sound of me working with the salt in the studio. I notice how the vibrational sounds of the bells and gongs enhance my senses. There are waves of sound energy that can heal the body and soul as they lift my mood. In this room, you might hear sounds that shift frequencies. These sounds are believed to assist in releasing energy blockages throughout the 7 chakras.

The sounds of salt rocks shifting and with these vibrations can transfer frequencies from low energy to higher vibrations. It can release energy blockages in the seven chakra energy system. The singing bowls have the capacity to realign the 7 chakras and even the hundreds of other energy centers within the body.

Based on the sound healing experiences, intuitively, I place the salt on the mandala installation. The sound and resonance of the singing bowls were magical and powerful to even inanimate objects like the salt rocks. I noticed how the vibrational sounds enhanced my meditative state while creating my mandala design as it relieved stress.

The use of medical Tibetan singing bowls, Buddhist chants, and mandalas in meditation serves to create a sacred space where individuals can experience profound healing.

Listen and witness the power of sound. This surround sound experience is an evolution of this project. It went from visual, performative, and physical to an auditory experience. As I created this piece, I was surrounded by salt rocks. The sound you hear is of me placing salt on a mandala installation accompanied by the Buddhist monk Lama Jam who performs a sound healing treatment using medical singing bowls. Does it bring you to a conscious and meditative space?

The seven primary chakras are energy centers situated in different parts of the human body, and they inspired me to create the colored stained salt rocks for my mandala. The making of the mandala design is about the recognition of time, intention, and focus on the inner self. In deconstructing this practice of making the mandala into sound, materiality, and color, the piece allows for an exploration of individual emotions and energy. What do you hear?

Oneness, Plastic, LED Lights, Acrylic Stained Pure Salt Rocks, 6ft. (72 inches in diameter), 2023, Station Gallery

A Field Of Presence, Plastic, LED Lights, Acrylic Stained Pure Salt Rocks, 6ft. (72 inches in diameter), 2024, Royal Rose Gallery

A Sacred Space, Plastic, LED Lights, Acrylic Stained Pure Salt Rocks, 6ft. (72 inches in diameter), 2023, Station Gallery

Interconnectedness, Chiffon, Pink Himalayan Salt, 15 Sq Ft. 2023, Station Gallery

Shanti , 9 Sq Ft., Chiffon, Pink Himalayan Salt, 2023, Aurora Cultural Centre

Sound Energy Healing with Buddhist Monk Lama Jam and Sound Specialists: Thomas Upjohn and Naomi McCarroll-Butler

The collaborative effort involved in the creation of this sound piece, incorporating personal meditative practice, Sound Energy Healing sessions with Buddhist Monk Lama Jam, field recordings by Thomas Upjohn, and Naomi McCarroll-Butler's improvisation focusing on 174Hz, speaks to a deep exploration of sound as a tool for healing and introspection. Each element contributes its own unique qualities and intentions, weaving together to create a multidimensional auditory experience.

In the installation work Interconnectedness, the spiritual elements of salt and light fuels an affectual and physical interaction between the artwork and the viewer. The fabric moves as you navigate the space around the installation, creating an interactive push and pull. Talwar describes the materiality of the work: “Chiffon fabric is used in many Indian garments like the sari. The touch and feel of this sheer and light material brings back memories of my time in India. I printed my Himalayan salt rock images onto this fabric and its semi-transparency which allows me to connect with this material and the salt as well as observe how the material moves with the presence of its viewers.”

The scale and location of the artwork not only commands the viewers’ attention and curiosity but also challenges the body to move around the work and in turn responds to the viewers' movements.

The sensory experiences encountered informs how the thoughts, materials, and environment we surround ourselves affects our mental well-being. I hope that the healing power of these sounds and visual elements will provide a reminder for humanity to realize how we are all interconnected with all life.

Rock Salt, Sound Energy Healing Treatment with Buddhist Monk Lama Jam and Sound Specialist Thomas Upjohn


This piece was developed from a place of personal meditative practice, alongside Buddhist monk Lama Jam who performs Sound Energy Healing.

Mandalas hold significant spiritual symbolism in both Hinduism and Buddhism, serving as powerful tools for meditation, healing, and spiritual growth. The making of the mandala design is about the recognition of time, intention, and focus on the inner self. In deconstructing this practice of making the mandala into sound, materiality, and colour, the piece allows for an exploration of individual emotions and energy. The spirituality of the Tibetan medical singing bowls used to create the vibrational sounds improves the flow of energy in areas of the body. This flow of energy is said to contribute to connecting emotions within the sonic environment.

A Transfer of Energy, Acrylic Rock Salt, 2022, OCADU Graduate Gallery